South Carolina road map with distances between cities

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South Carolina road map with distances between cities

South Carolina map highway free
Highway map of South Carolina state. Detailed highways and roads map of South Carolina state with cities and towns. South Carolina road map with exit numbers.
South Carolina detailed map
South Carolina roads map
Highway map of South Carolina 2021. Free road map of South Carolina state.
Funny and true nicknames of the state South Carolina
  • Palmetto State
  • Iodine Products State (no longer used) (previously used on license plates)
What are the official nicknames of South Carolina state?
  • The Palmetto State: The palmetto palm grows well in South Carolina. Additionally, there is also a battle of the same title in the Revolutionary War.
What are the unofficial nicknames of South Carolina state?
  • Rice State: Rice is produced in South Carolina due to its marshy land.
  • Iodine State: High levels of iodine are found in native plants. During the 1920s, this state promoted fruits and vegetable grown here for its high iodine properties and its nutritional value. Even moonshiners advertised this corn-based liquor as having an excellent source of iodine. Then, in the 1940s, the nutritional properties of iodine were downplayed, and the state lost this nickname.
  • Keystone of the South Atlantic Seaboard: This name, like Pennsylvania, is due to South Carolina’s wedge shape like that of a keystone.
  • Swamp State: There are a lot of swamps and marshes here, perfect for growing rice.
  • Sand-lapper State: Originally, this was a terrible name given to poor people who lived on the sandy ridges. It was said that they ate sand to keep alive
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