Road map Russell and Rossburn city surrounding area (Manitoba, Canada)
Road map of Russell city and Rossburn city
Map of Riding Mountain. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Riding Mountain with cities and towns.

Large scale road map of Russell city and Rossburn city
Map of Riding Mountain. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Riding Mountain with cities and towns.
Riding Mountain
Stretching in a north-south direction, the 500-m-high ridge known as the Manitoba Escarpment rises abruptly from the prairies. Situated on the edge of the escarpment, Riding Mountain National Park offers breathtaking vistas. West of the escarpment lies an upland of fertile farmland and rolling hills, drained by east-flowing rivers such as the Swan and the Assiniboine. Rich in diverse wildlife, this region traces its human history back 10,000 years, when aboriginal peoples first hunted bison here.
Binscarth [B2] Exhibits at Binscarth and District Gordon Orr Memorial Museum's re-create the old-time interiors of a general store, a school room, and a chapel. The museum also displays a large collection of pioneer farm implements. The town invites travelers on the Yellowhead Highway to swim in its outdoor pool, promoted locally as the largest on this busy route.
Inglis [A2] The newly restored Inglis Elevators National Historic Site preserves the last remaining row of five 1920s wooden grain elevators in Canada. Once more than 5,000 eleva-tors-seemingly permanent fixtures of the prairie landscape-processed and distributed grain. Today, centralized metal cylinders have replaced the wooden elevators, and less than a thousand of these remain in use.
Born in the early 1880s, Minnedosa serves the surrounding grain and livestock farms. A walking tour from the tourist center on Main Street takes in the Heritage Village. You cross a suspension bridge over the Little Saskatchewan River to reach the village and its museum, once a hydroelectric station. The town also boasts an artificial lake, a popular spot with rowers, and the Oxbow Nature Trail, where birders can spy yellow warblers, swamp sparrows, and other species.
Neepawa [D7] This community of tree-lined streets is renowned for impressive buildings dating from its founding years in the late 1800s. A self-guiding walking tour leads to sites such as the 1884 Beautiful Plains County Court Building, the oldest courthouse on the Prairies and the second oldest building in Manitoba. The Beautiful Plains Museum, once a railway station, evokes the town's past. Neepawa honors acclaimed novelist Margaret Laurence, born here in 1926. One of her girlhood home, now a provincial heritage site and cultural center, displays autographed books, photos, research materials, and other memorabilia such as the writer's honorary degrees and her portable typewriter. Every summer, living up to its reputation as the "World Lily Capital," Neepawa stages a lily festival in July. Some 1,500 varieties bloom in abundance here and in villages such as the Lily Nook, just 4 km south of town.
Riding Mountain National Park [A4-A6]
On the edge of the Manitoba Escarpment, this all-season park occupies almost 3,000 km2 of open grassland, aspen parkland, and boreal and deciduous forest. From the park's lofty lookouts, visitors can see across the prairies for distances of up to 80 km. At the heart of the park, Wasa-gaming on Clear Lake boasts all the facilities of a first-class resort. The Native cultural village, or "Shawenequanape Kipiehewin," offers tours, pow-wows, and interpretive programs. The park's wildlife population includes more than 3,000 elk, as well as moose, black bear (including some unusual blonde or cinnamon-colored types), wolves, and great grey owls. In autumn, a park guide takes visitors on elk-bugling events, which can be stirring if an elk responds to the guide's bugle call.
Binscarth and District Gordon Orr Memorial Museum
Birdtail Country Museum
Inglis Elevators National Historic Site
Municipal Museum
Heritage Village and Museum
Beautiful Plains Museum Margaret Laurence Home
Lake Audy Shawenequanape Kipiehewin (Native Cultural Village) Wasagaming townsite
Manitoba and Northwestern Model Railroad