Road map Newmarket and Aurora city surrounding area (Ontario, Canada)
Road map of Newmarket and Aurora city
Map of Newmarket & Aurora. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Newmarket & Aurora (Ontario, Canada).

Large scale road map of Newmarket and Aurora city
Map of Newmarket & Aurora. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Newmarket & Aurora (Ontario, Canada).
The Regional Municipality of Durham is dominated by the glacial Oak Ridges Moraine, stretching from the Niagara Escarpment east of Newmarket west to the Trent River watershed near Peterborough. The moraine passes through gorgeous countryside with strong Quaker roots and contains the headwaters of more than 30 rivers that drain into Lake Simcoe or Lake Ontario. Further north, Scugog Lake and the Kawartha Lakes are the jewels in Victoria County's crown, and are a haven for many Ontarians seeking a getaway, fine summer theater, or antiques.
Jacksons Point [B1]
On the south shore of Lake Simcoe, Jacksons Point is home to The Briars Inn, a venerable Ontario heritage property. The 160-year-old Regency manor house has been expanded with adjoining wings, a tower, and lakeside cottages. Its Scottish-woodland style 5,761 m2 Briars Golf Club is considered one of the finest in Ontario. Next door, the Red Barn Theatre is Ontario's oldest professional summer theater, a great place to catch lighthearted fare in air-conditioned comfort on a summer's eve. GBGeorgina Village Museum has a collection of 19th-century buildings including a general store, school house, log cabins and barns, and a railway station.
Lindsay [A6] Gateway to the beautiful Kawartha Lakes region, Lindsay has Victorian architecture on one of the widest main streets in Canada and features a promenade alongside the locks on the Scugog River. Antiquing is the pastime of choice in Lindsay, with many antique shops in the area. Skylark VIII offers a variety of scenic and dinner cruises along the Scugog River and into Sturgeon Lake. ®The South Corridor of the 30 km Victoria Rail Trail originates in the town of Lindsay and follows the former CP Rail Line south to Bethany. The trail progresses through farmlands into the natural areas of the Fleetwood Creek valley bordered by the ski hills of the Bethany area and is open year-round.
Newmarket [E1] boasts an historic downtown with live community theater in the Old Town Hall. The Elman W. Campbell Museum houses artifacts relating to Newmarket's history from 1857, when as its name suggests, it was a new market for settlers, fur traders, and Natives. SB The dramatic three-story Sharon Temple in nearby Sharon was completed in 1831 by the Children of Peace, a pioneer religious sect formed by an ex-Quaker, David Wilson. The symbolic structure is a national historic site and its grounds include a dozen buildings with displays.
Port Perry [D4]
Specialty shops and boutiques housed in fine examples of Victorian architecture line Port Perry's pretty main street. Lake Scugog draws swimmers and picnickers to waterfront parks and is popular with fishermen. The Scugog Shores Historical Museum has re-created 11 pioneer buildings including a print shop, a harness shop, and an 1850s woodworking shop. Northwood Buffalo and Exotic Animal Ranch is a walk-through park with buffalo, tigers, jaguars, leopards, lynx, bears, monkeys, and deer.
Uxbridge [D3] Uxbridge is a prosperous farming center with a significant Quaker heritage. Quaker Hill School, built in 1924, is now the Uxbridge-Scott Museum, with a permanent Quaker display and facilities for local history and family-tree research. Other buildings at the museum site include a church, a house with a herb garden, implement and carriage sheds, sawmill, a print shop, and township hall. The York-Durham Heritage Railway pulls 1920s and 1950s coaches through the picturesque moraine landscape of rolling hills, woods, and fields between Stouffville and Uxbridge.
Beaver River Museum
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (1840-53)
Cannington Historical Museum
The Briars Inn Red Barn Theatre Georgina Village Museum Sibbald Provincial Park
Skylark Cruises Victoria Rail Trail antique shops
Elman W. Campbell Museum Sharon Temple
Scugog Shores Historical Museum Northwood Buffalo and Exotic Animal Ranch Ocala Orchards Farm
Quaker Hill School Thomas Foster Memorial Temple (1935-36) York-Durham Heritage Railway Pleasure Valley Recreation Park