Michigan road map with distances between cities

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Michigan road map with distances between cities

Michigan map highway free
Highway map of Michigan state. Detailed highways and roads map of Michigan state with cities and towns. Michigan road map with exit numbers.
Detailed roads map of Michigan
Michigan roads map
Highway map of Michigan 2021. Free road map of Michigan state.
Funny and true nicknames of the state Michigan
  • The Great Lakes State (previously used on license plates)
  • Water Wonderland and Water-Winter Wonderland (previously used on license plates)
  • The Wolverine State
  • The Mitten State

What are the official nicknames of Michigan state?
  • The Great Lakes State: Michigan’s border touches four of the five Great Lakes. Additionally, Michigan boasts around 11,000 inland lakes. From 1969-75 and 1977-19883, “Great Lake State” appeared on Michigan license plates. In order to avoid conflict with other states that border the Great Lakes, sometimes the nicknames “Lady of the Lake” and “Water Wonderland” were used.
What are the unofficial nicknames of Michigan state?
  • Wolverine State: This is a strange nickname as there’s little evidence that Michigan ever had a large population of wolverines. There are two prevailing stories: Some believe that Ohio gave Michigan this name when, during a land dispute, they described Michigan as “vicious and bloodthirsty as wolverines.” Others believe that the Native Americans compared early settlers to wolverines because they were greedy for food.
  • The Peninsula State: In a way, Michigan is a kind of peninsular, as it’s bordered by the Great Lakes.
  • Lake State: Another reference to the many great lakes in the region.
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Water Wonderland
  • Auto State: Detroit used to house the nation’s leading automobile industry.
  • Mitten State: Despite Michigan winters being so cold you need to wear mittens; the shape of the state also resembles a mitten.
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