Road map Selkirk and Gimli city surrounding area (Manitoba, Canada)
Road map of Selkirk city and Gimli city
Map of Interlake Region (Winnipeg area, Canada). Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Interlake Region with cities and towns.

Large scale road map of Selkirk city and Gimli city
Map of Interlake Region (Winnipeg area, Canada). Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Interlake Region with cities and towns.
Interlake Region
Manitoba's Interlake region is framed by three mighty lakes: Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Winnipegosis. All are remnants of prehistoric Lake Agassiz, which once covered southern Manitoba. At 24,400 km2, Lake Winnipeg is the third largest lake completely inside Canada, and twice the combined size of lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis. Lake Winnipeg is a magnet for sporting enthusiasts. Its marshy shorelines, teeming with diverse wildlife, attract avid birders.
Delta Marsh [D3] A major waterfowl staging area, Delta Marsh occupies about 18,000 hectares. This wetland, protected from the lake by a 32 km sandy ridge, attracts marsh, shore, and woodland birds. A boardwalk and observation tower at the Delta Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Station are ideal for birdwatching.
Gimli [B7] The largest overseas Icelandic community, Gimli celebrates its roots on Islendinga-dagurinn (Icelandic Day) in midsummer. Gimli Historical Museum preserves the heritage of the Icelandic and Ukrainian settlers of the 1800s. It also displays a 12 m whitefish boat and other gear of the once thriving Lake Winnipeg commercial fishery. Today, Gimli is a popular destination for sailing enthusiasts whose boats fill its pretty harbor.
Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site [E7] Guides costumed as traders and trappers relive bygone days when Lower Fort Garry was Hudson's Bay Company district headquarters. Built between 1830 and 1852, the fort with its imposing stone walls and bastions is the oldest intact structure of its kind in North America.
Narcisse [B5] This village boasts the world's largest concentration of red-sided garter snakes. A trail leads to dens, where the snakes appear briefly, but abundantly, in the first spring days, and in early September.
Netley Marsh [D7-D8]
This wetland is located where the Red River flows into Lake Winnipeg. In the fall, 18 species of ducks and geese gather in its mazy waterways. A provincial park provides access to the marsh for birders, boaters, campers, and anglers.
Oak Hammock Marsh
[D7] In spring and fall, roughly half a million birds—280 species-stop over at Oak Hammock Marsh. This 36 km2 wetland is haven to thousands of Canada geese, snow geese and other waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, and an assortment of falcons, hawks, owls, and eagles. Visitors can explore the marsh along boardwalks and trails, or by canoe. The Interpretive Centre has hands-on exhibits and programs.
River Road Heritage Parkway [E7] This 11 km drive on Provincial Road 238, along the Red River's west bank, leads to some of Manitoba's most famous sites: the 1832 St. Andrew's-on-the-Red Anglican Church, and the 1866 Captain Kennedy Museum and Tea House. To reach the parkway, drive 10 km north of Winnipeg's perimeter road and turn east to 238. The drive ends at Lockport, centered on St. Andrew's dam and lock. Just over the river, the Kenosewun Museum displays locally unearthed artifacts dating back to 1000 B.C.
Selkirk [E7] The local mascot, the 9 m Chuck the Channel Catfish, welcomes visitors. (Catfish up to 9 kg exist in the Red River.) The town is named after Lord Selkirk, who led Scottish and Irish settlers here in 1812. The Marine Museum of Manitoba displays the SS Keenora, the oldest surviving Red River steamboat.
Stonewall [E6]
S. J. Stonewall Jackson opened up the local quarry in the 1870s. Legend says he gave lots to settlers who agreed to build homes. As a result, the town boasts a legacy of fine stone dwellings. The old quarry, now a park, offers interpretive programs and year-round recreations.
Vilhjalmur Stefansson Monument
Cooks Creek Heritage
Museum Immaculate Conception Church and the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes
Gimli Historical Museum
Kenosewun Centre St. Andrew's Lock and Dam Skinner's Wet and Wild Waterslide Park
Captain Kennedy Museum and Tea House St. Andrew's-on-the-Red Anglican Church St. Andrew's Rectory National Historic Site Scott House Twin Oaks
Marine Museum of Manitoba
Quarry Park