Road map of Georgia with distances between cities

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Road map of Georgia with distances between cities

Georgia map highway free
Highway map of Georgia state. Detailed highways and roads map of Georgia state with cities and towns. Georgia road map with exit numbers.
Detailed roads map of Georgia
Georgia roads map
Highway map of Georgia 2021. Free road map of Georgia state.
Funny and true nicknames of the state Georgia
  • Peach State (currently used on license plates)
  • Cracker State  — Along with Florida, Georgia had been called "The Cracker State" in  earlier times, perhaps a derogatory term that referred to immigrants,  called "crackers," from the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina. See also Atlanta Crackers: Origin of the name
  • Empire State of the South — Georgia is the largest Southern state in  land area east of the Mississippi and was the leading industrial state  of the Old South.
  • Goober State — Refers to peanuts, the official state crop.
  • State of Adventure (on highway welcome signs)
  • The Peach State: Georgia peaches are renowned for their amazing flavor, size, and Peaches are the official state fruit, and the “The Peach State” became its official nickname in 1995.
What are the unofficial nicknames of Georgia state?
  • Empire State of the South: George was an economic leader in the south during the 19th-century.
  • Goober State: Goobers used to be nicknames for peanuts, of which Georgia grows plenty. During the Civil War, Georgians were called “Goober Grabbers,” and due to low rations, Georgians became particularly dependent on this skill of surviving on small things like peanuts.
  • Yankee-land of the South: Refers to the large number of northerners who move to Georgia.
  • Cracker State: A popular slang term during the 1870s was “cracker” which referred to a poor white man of the south. It has also been traced to the sound a whip makes and the domination of a slave-owner. Many Georgians hate this term, and it is no longer used today.
  • Buzzard State: There are many buzzards or large birds that feed on roadkill and other dead animals. They are protected in the state of Georgia.
  • Pine State: There are many pine forests in Georgia, so it has been known as such since
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