Road map of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs, Quebec Canada

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Road map of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs, Quebec Canada

Free road map of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs Quebec Canada
Map of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs. Detailed map of the highway and  local roads of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs with cities and towns.
Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs
Map of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs
Detailed roads map of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs Quebec Canada
Map of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs with cities and towns.
Gaspe and Baie des Chaleurs      
Welcome to one of the most culturally diverse regions in  Quebec. The Mi'kmaq, sometimes called "the Indians of the Sea," have  lived on the Gaspe Peninsula for more than 2,500 years. They were later  joined by French, Acadian, Loyalist, Breton, Basque, English, Irish, and  Scottish settlers who came seeking refuge, work, and a homeland. The  quaint Quebec and New Brunswick villages along the Baie des Chaleurs,  contrasted with the rugged beauty of its mountains and wide sweep of the  sea, made the Gaspe Quebec's first widely known resort area, and it  remains as popular as ever as a vacation spot and a favorite destination  for fishing enthusiasts. Many of the magnificent salmon rivers in the  region are said to be the best in Quebec.      
Bonaventure [E5] One of the most important Acadian bastions in  Quebec, Bonaventure was founded in 1760, after the famous Acadian  Expulsion of 1755-60. Its history is recounted in the Musee Acadien du  Quebec. While visiting, sample a craft unique in Canada-wallets and  purses made out of fish leather.      
Caraquet, New Brunswick [E6]      
Founded in the 1757, Acadia's oldest village and cultural  center is renowned for its fishing, whale watching, sailing, and  delicious seafood. Visit the 200-year-old Sainte-Anne-de-Bocage shrine,  see New Brunswick's only fishing school, charter a boat for deep-sea  tuna fishing, or stroll along the wharf or beach and watch the sun go  down.      
Carleton [D4] On luly 9, 1534, Jacques Zartier found this spot  and named it Boycdcs Chaleurs ("Bay of Warmth"), writing that the  waters were "more temperate than Spain and more beautiful than is  conceivably possible." Today, Carleton is one of the largest tourist  centers on Baie des Chaleurs. To view the entire region in all its  splendor, take a drive to the 555 m summit of Mont Saint-Joseph, where  you can see Baie des Chaleurs and the distant shore of New Brunswick.  
Forillon National Park       
[B8] For thousands of years, the movement of the waves have  sculpted the coastal landscapes of this park into fascinating shapes.  You can explore long pebbled beaches, jagged limestone cliffs, and small  coves protected by rocky capes, snorkle or scuba dive in the Baie de  Gaspe, or watch the more than 200 bird species visit Forillon every  year. The park's forests are home to moose, black bear, lynx, and many  smaller mammals. Over 70 km of hiking trails lead to unforgettable  seascapes and mountain views.       
Gaspe [B7] The Mi'kmaq first named this area "Gespeg" ("end of  the land"). Today, Gaspe is best known for the 9 m granite cross  commemorating Jacques Cartier's landing here in 1534. At the Gespeg  Historic Site, Mi'kmaq guides will help you reconstruct life in Gespeg  circa 1675.       
New Richmond [D5] This Quebec town has strong Loyalist,  Scottish, and Irish roots, best seen in the architecture of its tidy  churches. The British Heritage Center-a collection of relocated and  restored buildings from around Baie des Chaleurs-is a window on New  Richmond's Anglo-Saxon past.
Perce [C8] Once the largest fishing port in the Gaspe, Perce  is now a popular tourist and resort town with one of Canada's most  recognizable landmarks, Perce Rock, a soaring 88 m high pierced block of  limestone named by Champlain. Perce is also renowned for its excellent  restaurant fare-the annual Perce Lobster Festival in June is just one  event that demonstrates the town's flair for seafood.       
Musee Acadien du Quebec Bioparc de la Gaspesie Acadian Cafe  Theatre de la Petite Maree La Charmoise Art Gallery Les Cuirs fins de la  Mer (fish leather goods)       
Acadian Museum Acadian Historical Village Le Carrefour de la  Mer (interpretation center) New Brunswick Fishing School Acadian Leather  Museum  
Mont Saint-Joseph (summit and hiking trails)       
Oratoire Notre-Dame       
(1935) Tracadigash Point Park       
Lighthouse Aqua-Мег Sea Water Therapy Centre Summer Theatre       
Musee de la Gaspesie Cathedrale du Christ-Roi Croix de Gaspe  (Jacques Cartier Monument) Notre-Dame-des-Douleurs Sanctuary Gespeg  Historic Site       
British Heritage Centre St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (1839)       
Perce Rock lle-Bonaventure and Rocher-Регсё Provincial Park  Musee Le Chafaud La Vieille Usine de L'Anse-a-Beaufils (cultural center)  Maison Le Boutillier Hiking Trails
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