Pennsylvania road map with distances between cities

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Pennsylvania road map with distances between cities

Pennsylvania map highway free
Highway map of Pennsylvania state. Detailed highways and roads map of Pennsylvania state with cities and towns. Pennsylvania road map with exit numbers.
Pennsylvania road map
Pennsylvania roads map
Highway map of Pennsylvania 2021. Free road map of Pennsylvania state.
Funny and true nicknames of the state Pennsylvania
  • Keystone State (previously used on license plates)
  • Quaker State
  • Coal State
  • Railroad State

What are the official nicknames of Pennsylvania state?
  • The Keystone State: “Keystone” refers to the central, wedge-shaped stone that holds the structure of an arch. This nickname was accepted soon after 1800. During a Jefferson Republican rally, the newspaper Aurora toasted Pennsylvania as the “keystone in the federal union.”
What are the unofficial nicknames of Pennsylvania state?
  • Quaker State: Pennsylvania is home to a large population of religious Quakers.
  • The Commonwealth: Pennsylvania is, in fact, not a state but a commonwealth, a title it shares with Massachusetts, Virginia, and the term refers to the well-being of the people. Now, state and commonwealth are used interchangeably.
  • Independence State: The Declaration of Independence was drawn up and signed in Philadelphia. Thus, it is critical to America’s independence from Britain.
  • The Oil State: Oil is one of Pennsylvania’s greatest industries.
  • Coal State: Coal used to be one of Pennsylvania’s greatest industries.
  • Steel State: Steel was one of Pennsylvania’s greatest industries until its recent collapse.
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