Road map Moose Jaw city surrounding area (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Road map of Moose Jaw city area (Canada)
Map of Moose Jaw city area. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Moose Jaw Area with cities and towns.
Large scale map of Moose Jaw city area (Canada)
Map of Moose Jaw city area. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Moose Jaw Area with cities and towns.
Moose Jaw Area
Some say Moose Jaw's name comes from an Indian word meaning warm breezes. Others claim the Indians named the site for a local river bend resembling a moose jaw. Whatever the case may be, Moose Jaw is a vital agricultural, industrial, and rail center. At the top of the list of local attractions is the Temple Gardens Mineral Spa, a downtown geother-mal spa-hotel-convention center. Its indoor and outdoor pools use naturally heated mineral water piped hot from a 1,400-m-deep aquifer. Within easy reach of the city, visitors can stroll along secluded trails in Buffalo Pound Provincial Park, or thrill to high-flying stunts at the Saskatchewan Air Show held at nearby CFB Moose Jaw in July.
Buffalo Pound Provincial Park [B4]
A herd of purebred plains buffalo roam an 81-hectare enclosure in this park on the shores of Buffalo Lake. A 7.5 km road leads from the park entrance to the 1,040-hectare Nicolle Flats Nature Area at the east end of the lake. An interpretive boardwalk stretches through a marshland, which becomes a spring and autumn stop for ducks, geese, and other migratory species. One of several trails leads to the 1903 farmhouse built by homesteaders, Charles and Catherine Nicolle, who settled here in the 1880s.
Claybank [E5] Now a national historic site, Claybank Brick Plant is a virtually intact example of a brick-making operation, which developed between 1912 and 1937. The 132-hectare site preserves all the main buildings, plus much of the original brick-making equipment. During its heyday, the plant produced special buff-colored bricks used for the facades of major buildings across Canada. Visitors can tour the plant, offices, and bunkhouses of this once busy early 20th-century enterprise.
Craven [B6] The Big Valley Jamboree, one of Canada's biggest country-music blowouts, is held here in mid-July. At Valeport Marsh, a trail atop a dike is ideal for spotting a wide variety of ducks.
Last Mountain House Provincial Historic Park [A6] A Hudson's Bay Company winter outpost for the trade in buffalo hides, Last Mountain House flourished from 1869 to 1871. Its closure signaled the last days of buffalo hunting on the Saskatchewan prairie. The park's three reconstructed buildings offer insights into the post's brief moment of glory.
Moose Jaw [C4] With more than 30,000 inhabitants, Moose Jaw is Saskatchewan's third largest center. The city's past is depicted in over 30 murals on downtown buildings. Self-guiding tours of the city's central sites begin at the Moose Jaw Art Museum and National Exhibits in Crescent Park. Also available are tours of Moose Jaw's tunnels, used by bootleggers in the 1920s, when Moose Jaw was a rum-running center. Saskatchewan's transportation history is the theme of the Western Development Museum, which houses cars, planes, and trains of yesteryear. A special gallery in the museum salutes The Snowbirds, the famous aerobatic team from CFB Moose Jaw. The team performs at the Saskatchewan Air Show in July. The Kinsmen International Band Festival is another big event, held at Crescent Park in May. Thirteen kilometers south of Moose Jaw on Hwy 2, the Sukanen Ship, Pioneer Village and Museum has several remarkable oddities, including the oceangoing vessel built by Finnish-born sailor turned homesteader Tom Sukanen, who hoped to sail back to Finland via the South Saskatchewan River, Hudson's Bay, Greenland, and the North Atlantic. Sukanen died in 1943 before completing his ship, which was abandoned for years until it was restored for display here.
Claybank Brick Plant National Historic Site
Valeport Marsh
Last Mountain House Provincial Historic Park
Buffalo Pound Provincial Park Moose Jaw Art Museum and National Exhibits in Crescent Park Moose Jaw Murals Sukanen Ship, Pioneer Village and Museum Temple Gardens
Mineral Spa Wakawow Valley Western Development Museum Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre