Missouri road map with distances between cities

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Missouri road map with distances between cities

Missouri map highway free
Highway map of Missouri state. Detailed highways and roads map of Missouri state with cities and towns. Missouri road map with exit numbers.
Detailed roads map of Missouri
Missouri roads map
Highway map of Missouri 2021. Free road map of Missouri state.
Funny and true nicknames of the state Missouri
  • Bullion State
  • Show-Me State (currently used on license plates)
  • The Gateway to the West
  • The Show Me State: Many stories support the history of Missouri’s nickname as the “Show Me” State. The most popular story details Missouri’s Congressman, Willard Duncan Vandiver, who once said during a naval banquet in Philadelphia that “I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frother eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me.”
What are the unofficial nicknames of Missouri state?
  • Bullion State: Thomas Hart Benton, an advocate of hard money, is attributed this nickname by being elected for five terms to the Senate, making him the first man to serve 30 years. Because of his opposition to paper money, monopolies and “eastern capitalists,” he was known as “Old Bullion.”
  • Iron Mountain State: Comes from Iron Mountain which had large deposits of iron ore.
  • Lead State: Missouri is located in the “Old Lead Belt” and has historically been the largest of the lead mining industry.
  • Puke State: Though disgusting, this name came from a gathering of Missourians in 1927 at the Galena Lead Mines. According to Dr. George Earlie Shankle,” …so many Missourians had assembled, that those already there declared the State of Missouri had taken a ‘puke’.”
  • Ozark State: Due to the Ozark Mountain range.
  • Pennsylvania of the West: Because of the similarities of its mining and manufacturing, Missouri was compared to Pennsylvania’s economy.
  • Mother of the West: Refers to its location as a base for westward expansion. The Oregon and Santa Fe Trail, the Pony Express, and Butterfield Overland Mail Route all originated in Missouri.
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