Road map Abitibi city surrounding area (Quebec, Canada)
Free road map of Abitibi Quebec Canada
Roads map of Abitibi. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Abitibi with cities and towns

Detailed highway map of Abitibi Quebec Canada
Roads map of Abitibi. Detailed map of the highway and local roads of Abitibi with cities and towns
Amos' Cathedrale Sainte-Thcrcse-d'Avila
One of Quebec's last frontiers, Abitibi is an area that abounds with mines and forests along the 48th parallel. The Quebecois poet Raoul Duguay once said Abitibi is a country of immense wealth ["un pays qui a un ventre en or"), and as you visit the museums and mining villages in this northern region, you will hear fascinating stories about the famous gold rush, which brought thousands of settlers here after prospectors discovered a tremendous seam of gold along the Cadillac fault in 1922. Abitibi's wealth lies not only below the ground; its vast wilderness and countless lakes teeming with fish make it a popular hunting and fishing destination.
AlGUEBELLE park [C3]
A land of ancient glaciers and lava flows, this territory officially became a park in 1985. Interpretation trails offer 2.5 billion-year-old rocks, 200-year-old trees, high peaks, waterfalls, and breathtaking panoramas. If you dare, cross a 64-m-long bridge, suspended 22 m above Lac La Haie, or scale the side of a steep cliff (via 220 man-made spiraling steps).
Amos [C4] The oldest city in Abitibi, Amos was founded in 1912 by settlers who successfully forded the Harricanaw River, the second-longest navigable waterway in Canada (533 km). These days, Amos' best resource is its fresh water, considered among the finest in the world. Outdoor enthusiasts will be in awe of the over 500 km of pristine wilderness that surround the Harricanaw. Don't miss the beautiful mosaics, Italian marble, and unusual Roman Byzantine features of Cathedrale Sainte-Therese-d'Avila. (8 From Amos, Route 109 south leads to Saint-Mathieu-d'Harricana, a small town with a very unusual attraction: an ostrich farm! The farm provides information on ostrich breeding and also sells various ostrich by-products. Guided tours are available.
La Sarre [B2] Proud winner of the title "Forestry Capital of Canada" in 1989, La Sarre is a prosperous town that owes its economic success not only to its forestry industry, but also to its innovation: the town built a "Millennium Footbridge" to celebrate the year 2000 and commemorate the unity and generosity of its citizens, who financed the entire project. Be sure to visit Saint-Andre Park's bird garden, an oasis in the downtown core.
Malartic [D4] In the 1940s, at the height of the gold rush, Malartic had seven gold mines in operation. Many buildings on Avenue Royale still retain the boom-town style-false fronts and a stylized western look-that characterized the budding cities of that era. Today, Malartic has a strong tourism industry, with mining as its main attraction.
Rouyn-noranda [D2]
Canada's Copper Capital, Rouyn-Noranda was founded in the 1920s by prospector Edmund Home, bringing together the settlements of Rouyn and Noranda on opposite sides of Lac Osisko. History here is best seen in the rough-hewn spruce timbers of Maison Dumulon, which houses the old post office, general store, and information center.
Val-d'Or [E5]
Established in 1934, Val-d'Or flourished during the gold rush. Visit the Village minier de Bourlamaque, which perfectly preserves a gold-rush mining town. Guided tours also take you underground to a depth of more than 91 m in the Lamaque Mine-the only gold mine in Canada open to tourists and still under development.
Cathedrale Sainte-Therese-d'Avila Pare Marina Maison de la Culture (art gallery)
Richelieu Library Rotary Art Centre Forestry Interpretation Centre
Musee Regional
des Mines (mining museum)
Old Noranda History Interpretation Centre Maison Dumulon (general store and post office) Musee Religieux (religious museum) Pare botanique a Fleur d'Eau (botanical park) La Fontaine des Arts (art gallery) Makonigan Native Boutique
Village minier de Bourlamaque (mining museum) Tour d'Observation Rotary (observation tower) Val-d'Or Cultural Centre Val-d'Or Exhibition Centre Val-d'Or Native Friendship Centre